Dr. Paula L. Scott Endowed Scholarship in Communication Sciences

Dr. Paula Scott was born in Muskogee, Oklahoma and was a registered Cherokee Indian. Paula served as Associate Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders at Texas Woman’s University from 1981-2006, preparing teachers of the deaf and hard of hearing. This scholarship endowment was created by Mary E. Ridgway, MS ’71 Kinesiology; Ph.D. ’7 4 Kinesiology, who wishes to honor her dear friend and partner, Dr. Paula L. Scott, through this endowed scholarship.

• Application Dates – Opens July 1, Closes March 1
• Awarding Department – Communication Sciences Scholarship Committee
• Department Contact – coms@twu.edu
• Level – Undergraduate
• Classification – Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior
• Major – Communication Sciences
• Minimum Cumulative GPA – Any
• Minimum Enrollment Requirement – Any
• Minimum Total Credit Hours Earned – Any
• Renewability – Scholarship may be renewed if all requirements are met.
FAFSA – Not required.
• Other –Preference will be given to students who are members of and/ or regularly participate in the Student Organization of Communication Sciences (SOCS) or any successor student organization for the communication sciences program. Post-Acceptance responses must be completed before funds will be transmitted.

Dr. Mary E. Ridgway '71, '74