Jessie Bateman-Barns Narsutis Endowed Scholarship (Family Science)

The Jessie Bateman-Barns Narsutis Endowed Scholarship was established through the estate of Jessie Bateman-Barns Narsutis for students whose majors are within the Department of Family Sciences. The selection of recipients is made by a scholarship committee within the Department of Family Sciences.

• Application Dates – Opens July 1, Closes March 1
• Awarding Department – Family Sciences/ Family Studies
• Department Contact –
• Level – Undergraduate
• Classification – Sophomore, Junior, Senior,
• Major – Any degree under Family Studies
• Minimum Cumulative GPA – typically 3.0 for UG,
• Minimum Enrollment Requirement – typically 12 credit hours UG
• Minimum Total Credit Hours Earned – Any
• Renewability – Scholarship may be renewed if all requirements are met and funds are available.
FAFSA – Not required.
• Other – Post-Acceptance responses must be completed before funds will be transmitted. Major in Family Studies; SOPH thru SR status with overall GPA of 3.0 or better; Must be US citizen. Scholarship for on-campus expenses only.

Dr. Jessie Bateman-Barns Narsutis