JHG Texas Nursing Annual Scholarship (Dallas Nursing)

JHG will provide scholarships to BSN Nursing students at the Dallas campus. The recipients must be a TWU Nursing Student at the Dallas Campus and in their Junior or Senior years of study, who are interested in pursuing a career in nursing and have demonstrated financial need as determined by the completion of the FAFSA. The recipient must be willing to volunteer and participate in at least one JHG Texas community service event and one JHG Texas social fund-raising event per semester. The recipient will be required to write or video a brief testimonial to Donor explaining what the JHG Texas Nursing Scholarship means to the recipient. The recipient must consent to be photographed, video recorded and or quoted in testimonials and agrees that the student and the student name, photographs and such testimonials may be published and featured by Donor, including but not limited to posting on JHG Texas website. If a recipient receiving a two semester scholarship award fails to conform with the minimum specifications listed above, then that student will not be eligible to receive the remainder of their award allocated to the following semester (full time enrollment with a minimum 3.50 GPA) Applicants will be required to answer the following questions on this application.

  • Why have you selected Nursing as your major?
  • What are your goals as a future Nurse?
  • How will obtaining this scholarship benefit you?
  • How will you give back to the community through the Nursing profession?

Selection will be made by the Dallas Nursing Scholarship Committee

Students must reapply for the scholarship each year to be eligible.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Why have you selected Pre-Nursing or Nursing as your major?
  2. What are your goals as a future Nurse?
  3. How will obtaining this scholarship help you overcome financial barriers to become a Nurse? Please be specific and clearly demonstrate your financial need.
  4. How will you give back to the community through the Nursing profession?
  5. Recipient must be willing to volunteer and participate in at least one JHG Texas community service events and one JHG Texas social fund-raising event per semester. If you received this scholarship will you agree to participate as indicated above?
  6. To receive this scholarship you must be full time (12 hours minimum each fall and spring semester). Please indicate below if you will be full time.
  7. If you receive this scholarship in the Fall semester, you must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher by the end of Fall to re eive the Spring funds. If your GPA falls below the required 3.5, you will not receive the Spring portion of the scholarship. Please check the box below that indicates you understand this specification.
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