Clarice Mixson Turner Endowed Scholarship (ESFL)

The Clarice Mixon Turner Endowed Scholarship was established by Mr. F. Earl Turner in memory of his wife, Clarice Mixon Turner, for students with majors within the College of Arts and Sciences; with preference given to undergraduate or graduate English majors. The recipient(s) of this award should have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 and a 3.5 in English. The recipient must be enrolled as a full-time student at TWU and should have completed at least one semester of full-time study at TWU. Submission of a research or scholarly paper is required.

• Application Dates – Opens July 1, Closes March 1
• Awarding Department – ESFL
• Department Contact –
• Level – Graduate or Undergraduate
• Classification -Any
• Major – English
• Minimum Cumulative GPA – (typically 3.0 for UG, 3.2 for GR)
• Minimum Enrollment Requirement – (typically 12 credit hours UG, 9 credit hours GR)
• Minimum Total Credit Hours Earned –
• Renewability – Scholarship may be renewed if all requirements are met.
FAFSA – Not required.
• Other – Post-Acceptance responses must be completed before funds will be transmitted.

College of Arts & Sciences
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please upload your completed ESFL scholarship application. Click here to access the form.
  2. Please upload a research or scholarly paper (not to exceed 12 pages).
  3. Have you completed at least one semester at TWU?
  4. Please click the attached link to see the ESFL Scholarship Descriptions and the information needed to complete each scholarship application. Click here. This is only for informational purposes for each scholarship, its criteria and the necessary information to complete each application.