Carolyn and Matt Khourie Nutrition Endowed Scholarship for Houston

Carolyn and Matt Khourie Nutrition Scholarship provides funding for graduate students eligible for admissions to any graduate program in Nutrition and Food Sciences at TWU’s Houston campus.

• Application Dates – Opens July 1, Closes March 1
• Awarding Department – Nutrition and Food Sciences -Houston Scholarship Committee
• Department Contact –
• Level – Graduate
• Classification – Master’s, Doctoral
• Major – Nutrition and Food Sciences
• Minimum Cumulative GPA – 3.2 for GR
• Minimum Enrollment Requirement – 9 credit hours GR
• Minimum Total Credit Hours Earned – Any
• Renewability – Scholarship may be renewed if all requirements are met.
FAFSA – Financial need must be demonstrated in the application.
• Other – Exclusive to Houston campus
- Post-Acceptance responses must be completed before funds will be transmitted.
