Arlyne Haggard Daly Scholarship (SOM)

The Arlyne Hagaard Daly Scholarship was established to provide a stream of income to support scholarships for the Department of Business and Economics. The selection of recipients shall be made by the scholarship committee in the Department of Business and Economics.

• Application Dates – Opens July 1, Closes March 1
• Awarding Department – College of Business
• Department Contact –
• Level – Undergraduate
• Classification – Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior
• Major – Any degree in the College of Business
• Minimum Cumulative GPA – typically 3.0 for UG
• Minimum Enrollment Requirement – typically 12 credit hours UG
• Minimum Total Credit Hours Earned – Any
• Renewability – Scholarship may be renewed if all requirements are met
FAFSA – not required
• Other – Post-Acceptance responses must be completed.
