Cynthia Harper '56

Cynthia Harper '56

Cynthia J. Harper, with her strong ties to the university, has always held TWU close to her heart. She graduated with a degree in business in 1956. Her passion for education and the values instilled during her time at TWU have inspired this initiative. A. John Harper III and Leslie Harper Sharp, recognizing the significance of their mother’s alma mater, have joined forces to contribute to the university’s mission of empowering future leaders. Cynthia also served on the TWU Foundation from 2002-2014 and was a commencement speaker.


Cynthia J. Harper, A. John Harper III and Leslie Harper Sharp Scholarship Endowment

A new scholarship has been generously created by Cynthia J. Harper, a dedicated alumna of the Class of 1961 who majored in business, along with her children A. John Harper III and Leslie Harper Sharp. The Harper family shares a profound love for Texas Woman’s University, and their commitment to fostering excellence within the TWU community is truly commendable.